welcome to my shitty "blog"

on here i will actually try to post relevant shit that happens in my life. not that anyone gives a fuck, i just thought it'd be a positive thing to do for myself.

...or something like that, i don't even know. but whatever, if you enjoy reading this shit, i appreciate it anyways.

some relative features to help you understand if you'd like this blog:

  • i like writing code, sometimes.
    • fav. language: kotlin
    • fav. frameworks: spring boot, nextjs, flask
    • fav. things: intellij idea, docker, nginx, vim
    • arch user btw. (love/hate relationship...)
  • i like fromsoftware souls-like games.
    • fav. game: dark souls III (kino)
  • i have a narrow musical taste.
    • fav artists: dios, nirvana, tame impala, radiohead
    • other cool things: cafe de touhou, flcl ost, kizumonogatari ost, kyoukai no kanata ost, made in abyss ost, bocchi the rock ost
  • i like to play the guitar.
    • i absolutely suck at it. i started in june 2024 : )
  • my favorite mangaka is tatsuki fujimotor.
    • csaw man manga is REALLY good, i also like arc 2.
    • fire punch is also really good, definitely rougher on the edges than csaw man.
  • i live in italy.
  • i speak spanish fluently.

i talk about anything that speaks up in my stream of consciousness so be advised. i try to keep it pg since anons on the internet will read it, but i try to not filter too much.

want to contact me? first of all, fuck off. second, hit me up at hey@antisocial.moe, i actually check it daily so unless you send me a dick pic i'll prolly reply in a timely manner.

it might take me a bit to formulate a proper response if it's a response to one of my (more) philosophical blog posts.

i guess i mostly post unhinged rants and/or garbage opinions, but...

i've always molded a super fake persona when talking irl and on the internet, and i want to genuinely express what i think/feel. that doesn't mean i wont change my mind if im particularly stupid about something.

btw the rss feed (>unironically using rss feeds in tyool 202x) is available here. it's the default wordpress has to offer - and i haven't tweaked anything. i don't use rss (readers) so if you find anything that seems 'off', lemme know.

bloggy shit

yup, i like to write, and write, and write.

› dreaming is free - Friday, September 6th, 2024
› decisions - Thursday, September 5th, 2024
› i'm on a roll - Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024
› goodbye august - Monday, September 2nd, 2024
› ai art isnt real art - Friday, August 30th, 2024
› summertime happiness - Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
› 27th of august - Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
› aAAA - Sunday, August 18th, 2024
› when the music stops - Friday, August 16th, 2024
› nevermind - Friday, August 16th, 2024
› 13 august '24 (still alive edition) - Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
› 2:37am - Thursday, August 8th, 2024
› reroll plz - Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
› everywhere, nowhere - Thursday, August 1st, 2024
› things - Saturday, July 27th, 2024
› 24 jul 24 - Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
› 23 jul 24 - Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
› hot hot hot - Monday, July 22nd, 2024
› 17 july 2024 (wtf node) - Wednesday, July 17th, 2024
› minimal - Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

related/frends [webring]

here's my favorite websites on the web. if they're listed below, it means i really like either their aestethic or content. i manually review each one to make sure it's great!

a lot of those are from lainchan (the first banner), an imageboard on the interwebs. check out their webring threads.

oh, also, if you want your website to be on here, just shoot an email or somethin'...

my time.
12h format, fite me.

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readin/watchin [al]

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contact: hey@antisocial.moe