04 jul 24 (the icks edition)

posted on July 4, 2024

TODAY. I SLEPT. LIKE. SHIT. rofl. i just keep waking up randomly during the night (2-3 times) so i feel like i dont get enough rest, or something. whatever.

ive met some people that communicate in an extremely irritating manner. I will be purely talking about real life voice communication from this point forward.

speaking of, i absolute hate trying to convey anything important via text. text removes pretty much every vital aspect to healthy communication (facial expressions, tone, interactivity, etc) and it basically sucks, and people that info-dump you paragraphs and paragraphs of text are pretty fucking stupid.

some people are particularly bad at communicating via text. they can literally seem like pieces of fucking shit on chat, but then face-to-face they’re super amicable and convey really different things. idk why that is, but it just happens.

ok, since we’re full rant-mode on anyways, i’ll describe some archetypes that irk the fuck outta me.

I. the blabberer

this really irks the fuck out of me. this kind of person has a low information density, which means the total word to information ratio is skewed towards the former. they blabber on for long periods of time and don’t communicate much: they reword and repeat the same things over and over again, and/or add useless contextual information.

II. the inventor

this kind of person will often just make shit up, in a somewhat random fashion. they very often will phrase their shit into a question.

example: I tell them that I recently went to the store and bought a shirt, which was available in gray and white. I bought the gray. person replies with: “so, you didn’t like the shirt [that you bought]?” – hinting that since I specified that it was available in different colors, the one I chose wasnt satisfactory.

wish I had a better example. It might sound bizarre but the one above is a real life conversation.

III. the spitfire

this kind of person will ask WAY too many fuckin’ questions about everything, including things that are not relevant to them at all. most often they’ll ask the barrage of questions in rapid succession, making everything just the more pleasant. often the questions tend to have a rather obvious and ordinary answer, and end up being way too annoying.

yaaaa… of course im listening… and care about what you’re saying…

welp, i guess today im in a bitchy enough mood to start shitting on all kinds of people i hate. i REALLY fuckin’ hate people that are late to real-life appointments. like, the fuck, if you ask to meet at 8:00 sharp and you’re gonna be 30 or 45 minutes late, at the fuckin’ minimum communicate it properly.

and the WORST subset of people are those that, even if sometimes lightly, gaslight you for even having the standards and telling them that being that late is not okay. like, its your fault to begin with, so shut the fuck up and apologize.

btw, chainsaw man ch. 170 is… lol. i just love fujimotor, he’s such a great mangaka and is one of the few that actually makes the characters… tolerable… and memorable. i mean, if you look any of the chainsaw man characters, they’re nothing special. but somehow their vulnerabilities make them work… idk. maybe it’s the art style too.




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