1 july/24 (6:50am edition)

posted on July 1, 2024

so today for some ungodly reason my brain decided that at 6:50am sharp, it was time to wake up! i mean, who am i to argue with millions of years of evolution condensed into a single cranium?

on gender.

i think that male/female biological dimorphism exists, and is a result of optimal path to reproduction for the human species.

males produce sperm, and females produce eggs AND carry the offspring (yes im aware not 100% of specimens are ever capable of that; those are just the broad biological roles)

in practical terms, it means ON AVERAGE male/females differ in physical characteristics (height, muscle mass, fat distribution), hormones, psychological characteristics (risk taking, stress responses, etc) (especially after puberty)

i think in modern society it manifests as different aptitutes, socialization, and roles for both sexes. (it’s sometimes useful to refer to those as gender, vs. sex [assigned at birth])

i think it should be acceptable for INDIVIDUALS, with a certain assigned sex at birth, to make rational decisions on whichever of the two genders they feel more at home being socialized as. (or a bit of both; or neither of the two; cough cough non-binary)

they won’t be able to fill the role of the opposite sex in regards to reproduction, as (afaik) we don’t have the technology to “fix” that.

in current western society it remains a binary (male/female), especially for stuff like the draft, so people would still have to choose either of in official documents.




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