13 august ’24 (still alive edition)
posted on August 13, 2024
yay! i haven’t posted much this month but i guess i’m sorta busy with other stuff, which i’m not sure i feel comfy sharing on the blog. maybe in the future!
it’s also that i’ve read that if you have plans or projects you’re working on, and you talk about them, you get same dopamine as if you’ve accomplished them or something, so your brain kinda gets tricked into doing less work. or something like that, idk.
‘nyways, not many things happen in my life. still hot as fuck summer, not much to say.
guess i made a thing. thats a cropped portion of a pic i took a few years ago. added some grain etc… im using it as my wallapaper now. i think its moody and the pink is nice
i had a big brain moment and asked a friend this verbatim.
do i listen to nirvana cuz im in a shitty mood or am i in a shitty mood cuz i listen to nirvana
oh, also billie eilish’s “hit me hard and soft” is literally the bets album of 2024 so far, no competition. it’s just soooo good… i have a friend that thinks she’s too melodramatic but what the fuck, i just love her voice so much.
im glad to see the lainchan bread is quite active recently, thats good to see, even if some comments are slightly negative and stuff… meh, who cares, not everything is flowers and roses… wait, is that even a real saying that people use, or did i just make it up?
‘nyways, have a nice week wherever you are. me out.
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