15 july 2024 (chill edition)

damn, i slept for like 10 hours today. maybe it’s the summer heat or something. today i’ve been listening to billie eilish’s hit me hard and soft, it’s.. such a vibe. she definitely says some very cringe shit (in and outside of her music) but the production/feelings of the albums are immaculate.

listening to that album made how a lot of music is genuinely… harmful? i guess that’s not the entirely correct word. just… it doesn’t add much value at all, it just tries to sound catchy and catch your attention (no pun intended there)

i guess another thing about that kind of music is that it’s so fucking forgettable. like it has 0 replay value.

i’m still a bit of a zoomer, so i don’t really like music before the 90’s. well, i guess the only bands i like that were active in the 90’s were nirvana and radiohead. they’re incredibly mainstream but i really enjoy their music, and imo it’s fairly timeless. still, i’d say that if you’re a great artist, you will invariably make music that remains enjoyable for a long time.

harmful/vapid music just.. you listen to it a few times, maybe it’s an earworm, but then you just… never come back to it. like, ever. you don’t make a bond with it. it leaves your mind as soon as it enters it.


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12h format, fite me.


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