
earlier I was having a chat with some friends. one way or another, the topic of discussion was genetics, specifically how certain traits (good or bad) can be inherited.

I tried to explain my opinion, which is that while it is true that pure genetics plays a factor, it is also crucial to respect the critical period of skill acquisition. aka, if you wanna be good at something, practice the hell out of it while you’re young.

a friend replied.

and… I mean, I *totally* agree with him. on the reverse, id say that his mindset is one of the best you can have. I mean, you barely have any control on your childhood (and even less on your genes), but you do have more control on such mindset as an adult or youngster.

but I think, it’s funny how we were kinda seeing the same reality but via different lenses.

when I talk about something in earnest, I like to separate what’s objective and out of our control (as far as we sense it) and personal and dynamic. an example of that would be the above.

i recognize that there’s an objective and out of our control reality which is that our genes and childhood can have an immense effect and shape our entire adult lives. but, it’s also true that we can have a good self-determined mindset and kinda go “against” our “nature” and better ourselves.

with the way he worded it, tho, i kinda understand that it’s one or the other. idk, maybe i’m reading too much into it.

i still think we’re dumb mammals on a rock, and that our species has existed for much longer than a single lifespan. so, i think it’s almost logically consistent that not everything has to be perfect for us as individuals. so, that means that it might be impossible for us to excel at certain things, just because of factors outside of our control. but that doesnt mean WE CAN’T AT LEAST TRY!

i mean, shit, just look at the world just 100 years ago. or, 50 years ago! it’s incredible how fast we’ve evolved. the kind of change the internet has brought on us. it’s impossible for our bodies and minds to be designed to the modern world, but humans are quite adaptable.

i’ve kinda enjoyed writing so much garbage on this blog. the thing is, i have a shitty memory. if i don’t write something down, as impulsively as i can, i’ll definitely forget about it. and, even if i revisit that memory again, it’ll definitely not be the same. guess i just have a shitty memory, or maybe it’s early (fuckin’ early) onset dementia or something (jk)

it’s kinda like how memory of dreams just fade away, like.. magic, i guess. there’s no better word to describe it. but yeah, i think about shit, and.. it just fades away. maybe it’s a signal from my brain that what i’m writing is worthless garbage, not even worth memorizing. yeah, fuck.

  1. anon 2024-07-16 (8:34 pm) No. 123157 reply
    you don't have a shitty memory you're just a 30 yo neet, either get back to real life or keep suffering the consequences
    there is definitely a point where it's too late and it's not about genetics unless you're disabled in multiple ways, it's about doing things and by secluding yourself and living in a shell you forfeit every opportunity you could ever get
    I'm sure you know some rich neet that "chills all day" and has money, anyone can win the lottery, not everyone does, and it's certainly not something to wish for
  2. anon 2024-07-16 (9:11 pm) No. 123158 reply
    hey anon, thank you for your comment! :3

    >you don’t have a shitty memory you’re just a 30 yo neet, either get back to real life or keep suffering the consequences
    eeh, i mean... when i used to work i had the exact same personality and thoughts, and it never felt like working fixed anything. granted, software engineering as a field can attract the "weirdo" type of person, but it didn't make me social or less depressed. anecdotally, the worst long-term anxiety attacks were while i was working, mostly due to responsibilities, deadlines, and all that shit.

    >there is definitely a point where it’s too late and it’s not about genetics unless you’re disabled in multiple ways, it’s about doing things and by secluding yourself and living in a shell you forfeit every opportunity you could ever get
    i agree! again, i probably worded it like shit, but i said that mindset is the most important thing that is under your control, so having a positive one objectively helps. and i really like how you worded the "living in a shell you forfeit every opportunity you could ever get", i think it's a beautiful way to put it.

    >I’m sure you know some rich neet that “chills all day” and has money, anyone can win the lottery, not everyone does, and it’s certainly not something to wish for
    i guess i know a person like that, he chills at home and plays vidya... he got lucky with bitcoin quite early, so it's akin to winning the lottery. idk, he didn't seem too depressed or anything, but he did say it can get boring.
  3. anon 2024-07-16 (9:32 pm) No. 123159 reply
    a job is only one piece of the puzzle, that you must maintain as you put other pieces in, slowly enough so that everything fits together without falling apart (like a house of cards), of course you'll struggle with things, including the job itself, but you can always get back up and tackle things differently/with a better mindset, the important thing is never going hollow :)
    I had anxiety issues too (and still do, I just deal with it better than I used to) and that's what led me to isolate and I know many others with similar experiences
    what most of them have in common is that year after year they justify their lifestyles and even take pride in them, making fun of regular people and their struggles, refusing to face reality and somehow managing to feel like they're better than others, it's something pretty sickening to witness when you're "friends" with those people and they just want you to be part of their cult, misery loves company
    just know, whatever issue you may have, you can deal with, don't ignore it but don't rush it either, the stress isn't worth it in either case
  4. anon 2024-07-16 (11:09 pm) No. 123160 reply
    >it's something pretty sickening to witness when you're "friends" with those people and they just want you to be part of their cult, misery loves company
    yup, i can... empathize with that. reflecting back on many rants i've posted here, it's kind of similar, and i appreciate the way you put it. it made me see it in another light. in real person i am more thoughtful and avoid that at all costs, in fact i (for better or worse), distance pretty quickly from people that dump trauma or negative emotions all the time. but, on the internet i like to be honest and rant : )

    anon, thank you for sharing your wisdom. i appreciated reading what you've posted so far.


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