feel good websites

this is a list of websites that i like. i guess on average they’re small, personal, and i like their aestethic. thats it. and i feel by curating this page i help not forgetting them, for much effort probably went into ’em. and, i like being reminded of them.

uncoolreisen’s cards / link sovlful character cards for sillytavern.
remy’s blog / link personal blog with a lot of cute html templates.
djt’s japanese guide / link soulful way to learn an insular dweeb language. enjoy seeing anons struggle.
paperchan / link an imageboard, but… you draw the images.
“surprisingly civilized” – (t. finnish man)
blog under a log / link anime/manga reviews, i guess. sorta cool.
cyuucat / link a cool blog. i really like it.
leechplus / link it’s great. it’s cool. it’s fast.



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