is culturally aware value worth anything?

posted on June 20, 2024

if we assume every human is born without accrued value, just in virtue of being a new life (a blank slate), WHY THE FUCK do we harp (innately) so HARD on pursuing value when that SSHIT IS fucking meaningless at the end of the day?

I’m talking about value from an egotistical standpoint. Not just monetary, even if simple logic would follow that higher status/value people will have a significantly easier time taking money.

I’m talking about value as in adoration, respect, and/or empathy from peers. That seems to be a relatively FUCKING hard trio to obtain, especially if you’re not the top of whatever characteristic you’re trying to maximize to level up.

The reason I’m mentioning this is because certain people (like myself) CARE A FUCKTON about what other people think of them. Maybe it’s egoism. Maybe it’s narcissism? Maybe both? But it FUCKING sucks knowing you might have been dealt the wrong cards AND THERE’S FUCKING NOTHING you can do to fix that shit. There’s immutable characteristics, be it physical or mental, that are insurmountable barriers to entry.

Yeah, I’m salty. Yeah, I’m a fucking piece of shit. Yeah, I’m a lowlife.

  1. anon 2024-07-02 (10:32 am) No. 123142 reply
    >The reason I’m mentioning this is because certain people (like myself) CARE A FUCKTON about what other people think of them.
  2. anon 2024-07-07 (9:14 pm) No. 123147 reply
    yup, its indeed a... bit of a logical inconsistency, to put it lightly. but, i've been trying to work on it. : )




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