jul 6-2024 (math edition)

posted on July 6, 2024

i went to university to study mathematics. long story short, i never graduated. i actually wasted around 5 years in university, paying full tuition and switching 3 times between different degrees, but i haven’t accomplished a single thing. i guess that’s… kinda sad.

i met some interesting people. a lot of decent, hard-working students. but, nothing to really show for it. i don’t keep contacts with any of them, the relationships were purely based around class attendance.

coming back to the topic of mathematics… from a really young age, i’ve always liked the concept of generalizing. it filled me with comfort to know that a rule or idea was universally consistent.

i also find comfort in unconsciously applying generalizations to mundane aspects of life, too. like, thinking that every day is the same, or that such routine will be a thing for eternity. i guess it makes for a rather boring existence.

i guess that’s why i like programming. i mean, sure, it can get chaotic (especially when it becomes a group effort…) but knowing that the code or program, once set in a certain way, will behave exactly the way you instructed it, brings me great joy.

i guess its more of a philosophical take on coding. in reality, it will more often than not behave in ways you didn’t expect it to, lol. i pretty much only do webdev, but it can still get complicated… even if it’s a lot of same-y work.

man, i should get back to grinding practicing the guitar. its been… almost 3 weeks since i’ve ever held it. its a cheap yamaha acoustic but i love it to death. its pretty much one of the only things i’ve bought in my entire life, apart from electronics (computer, phone, etc)

i’m not a person with many material possessions. i like the simplicity in optimized minimalism; really pondering about what i want to own.

anyways, yeah… i should get back into the hang of things. it’s not easy for me to do something unless i really feel like it. it sucks…




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