jun 27′ 24 (nostalgia)

posted on June 27, 2024

i like feeling nostalgia. its a feeling that’s difficult to explain, seems to come up randomly, and enables me to look at the past (usually i don’t dwell on it much at all)

i also find nostalgia illogical and incompatible with one of my core beliefs, which goes something like…

all good things must come to an end.

you can have the BEST shit ever, but if it’s a continuum, you wouldnt feel nostalgia for it, would you? well, that’s a rather shitty way of saying that you’d only feel nostalgia for things that are over. so, you’re feeling nostalgia about a thing that you’re only feeling nostalgia for because it’s over… but if it wouldn’t be over, you wouldn’t feel nostalgic about it! whatever, i’m bad at explaining, but i hope you get the point.

what even is nostalgia? is it wanting to go back to a certain point in the past, or to feel the same things again in current time? is it hindsight, as in “wish things went differently back then”? i guess it’s a lot of things, and i tend to not analyze my feelings that deeply. i just feel, and that’s it.




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