
posted on September 15, 2024

ok, blog went down for like… entire afternoon and evening today. UGHHH i fucking hate my host. might move to another one in the future… digitalocean seems pretty reliable but their prices are REALLY high for something as low effort, but idk…

anyways, if it ever goes down again in the future, dont picnic, ‘kay? it’ll be back eventually. or not.

as for how my day went, tbh i only made this post for a pseudo-update on why this shit went down.

had a pretty normal day i guess, ‘xept i just got really fucking mad at a friend cuz they have a legit stupid world view. and i know they won’t change their opinion on it so i either cope with it or make the friendship worse which i dont want cuz ive known them for like 8 years and tbh they’re a great person apart from this specific stupid opinion.

i dont wanna get into too many specifics but it legit made me sick in my stomach to even lightly argue about it. im definitely not a persuasive speaker cuz deep down i know most ppl dont want to change their mind on stuff anyways. but holy shit it legit makes me just want to stop talking to people for a month.

rantioli over, have a nice week.

  1. anon 2024-09-19 (5:41 am) No. 123204 reply
    didn't notice it went down since my brother was at the hospital so i stayed at grandma's yesterday lol. hope it doesn't go down again, but it 100% will.
    ~kiki (i'll do this instead of putting it at the start)
  2. anon 2024-09-19 (2:25 pm) No. 123205 reply
    ow, hope everything's alright with ur brother...
    and yeah lol im sure it will go down again in the future but meh... it's a cheap host but extremely cost effective. sadly their shit blows up from time to time but vOv
    nice to hear from u, as usual! :D
  3. anon 2024-09-21 (6:06 pm) No. 123206 reply
    no problem! he's already home with us, the doctors just were wayy to hesitant that he needed to not have diarrhea.

    in another note, did you add a font or did it never load for me? i'm never sure of that.
  4. anon 2024-09-21 (8:52 pm) No. 123209 reply
    yeaa lol i changed the font :D




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