learning to live

posted on November 27, 2024

bureaucracy in general really makes me anxious. because it’s like a machine that doesn’t really care about you. it’s people enforcing stupid rules, at least most of the time in this country.

i’ve talked a lot about it but i definitely overthink more than average. i know that nowadays that and anxiety are the norm instead of the exception, but i still think im worse than the average person.

anyways, to remedy that, i’ve tried to come up with an easy to remember, effective saying that i could just use as a rule whenever i’m in a really bad overthinking spree.


if you can’t do anything about it,

don’t worry about it.


or something to that effect. it does seem to work. especially trying to visualize exactly what issues i can take active action on.

i have long term problems that can’t be solved by just overthinking and having anxiety about it on a daily basis. and doing so only has a negative effect on my life.

also, before i forget.

i’ve also found out that a lot of anxiety is made by lack of agency, or at least “feeling” the lack of agency. taking any decisions lately has been hard…

  1. anon 2024-11-27 (7:52 pm) No. 123283 reply
    based stoicism
  2. anon 2024-11-29 (1:42 pm) No. 123284 reply
    È un mondo difficile
    E vita intensa
    Felicità a momenti
    E futuro incerto
    Il fuoco e l'acqua
    Con certa calma
    Serata di vento
    E nostra piccola vita
    E nostro grande cuore

    --- diego
  3. anon 2024-11-30 (6:46 am) No. 123286 reply
    since i'm too young to have an answer, here's a reply to the last part;
    i was talking to someone in discord, and i have a nice reply to it;
    sometimes, i feel like the world is blank
    and that nothing happens
    and i kinda just accept it
    because when something happens
    it's usually noted cuz it's bad
    and when i feel good
    i stare at those times
    and think
    "why did i feel like that?"
    "crying all night for no reason?"
    and realize i've been fine
    and that nothing is bad
    and that i was just in a bad mood
    you know, it feels like i'm staring at them again
    and that i'm being my own therapist
    or sm like that
    but i like to stare at them
    cuz then i feel better
    and have better self-control
    i've had lots of trust issues
    and that might be one of the reasons why i have many traumas
    cuz, yk, i don't feel good after
    and i feel like a sad bag, crying and crying in bed
    while having a reflection those of good times with them
    heh, i think that's really poetic of me.
    hopefully i can talk to u soon!
    btw, sorry for ignoring the page for 10 days. i forget about it.
    cya!!! ~kiki
  4. anon 2024-11-30 (6:47 am) No. 123287 reply
    also, *of those xx
  5. anon 2024-12-19 (7:33 pm) No. 123291 reply
    good song




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