posted on October 9, 2024
it is kinda funny how invariably, i will fuck up things. i think it hurts even more when it happens in circumstances where others put a lot of trust in me.
fucking up can be the only way to learn, i guess. it’s not like everyone can learn without feeling the consequences of their actions.


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in other news, i have to email my friend because i don't have a phone number and she doesn't have dc so i have to... but it's horrible. i use the old email because suddenly google lets me use it and idk why.
i forgot to say this too but nisemonogatari reminded me of ginger root's album nisemono which i used to like lmao
okay actually now baiii!!
aww hope it all works out, i also hate those situations :(
also omg lmao i JUST discovered ginger root cuz a friend recommended the last album which is shinbangumi, it's good! i surprisingly like the entire japanophile aestethic
i did know abt the album but thee 1st release wasnt that good 4 me so i moved on, i forgot abt him after that but thanks, i'll check out whatever else released :two_hearts:, see ya soon !!
cute! :3
ill follow to see if we have any other favorite artists in common ^_^
most likely not lmao
heh i found beabadoobee, i love her soo much
well i rly like glue song and the perfect pair (i found it since lexycat - spiral samples it) but not alot of her songs