!! poll poll poll tiem !!

posted on July 8, 2024

oookay I want to hear your opinions! I will read but I shall not judge, for I am only curious.

open ended question: what is the purpose of (human) life?

send your opinion to hey@antisocial.moe ORRRR comment!

  1. anon 2024-07-08 (4:22 am) No. 123150 reply
  2. anon 2024-07-09 (7:17 am) No. 123151 reply
    Might be a normie answer but to leave it with having done some kind of net benefit to the world (which would be impossible to objectively determine), I guess
  3. anon 2024-07-09 (3:33 pm) No. 123152 reply
    surprising, didn't expect that kind of answer.

    that seems like a pretty noble/altruistic purpose, didn't expect this kind of answer either. : )
  4. anon 2024-07-15 (11:38 pm) No. 123156 reply
    doing shit for the first 25 years until there's something we care about. also, helping the economy, purpose whose point i don't like or understand. why do we make money if we're going to get a share, spend it and then get it back again? things would be better if they were free imo.




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