
posted on September 17, 2024

the vast majority of people i’ve met [citation needed] dont have many original personal beliefs. or rather, they don’t really have a logical framework to assess moral judgements. it seems most of them seem to follow an intuition based logic.

let’s say you asked the average person i’ve met if X is moral or immoral.

  • they think about the immediate, instictual, emotional reaction they have to the action;
  • they think what groups they belong to in society and check if those groups have an opinion on it;
  • they think if the outcome of the opinion would be beneficial or detrimental to them;

not only that, but functionally everyone WANTS to be right and takes every criticism to their positions as a personal attack, because fuck you for calling me out on my judgements.

by the way, i think the above is largely the reason why nowadays every single fucking issue (even non-political in nature) becomes a left vs. right debate. or if you’re self-proclaimed to be left-leaning or right-leaning you should support each side on 100% of issues when fuck no, every idiology ends up having very stupid opinions (which often are due to being forced to disagree with the opposition, even if its incongruent with your beliefs)

anyways, rant off. btw im definitely not above most of the stuff i listed above, but at least i try to know my biases and how shitty of a thinker i am. i also think most can be explained by just humans being bad at thinking, not like you can fix how our brains have evolved. cya.





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