when the music stops

do you ever have those moments where you’re listening to some cool-ass music and you feel you could literally take over the world but as soon as it stops you come back to earth? lmao, those are great.

isnt music a bit weird when you think about it? i consider it an ubiquitous constant in human life, but if you really think about it, its basically people making noise that sounds cool. its an idea we created and keep developing.

i listen to music a shitton. a few hours a day for sure. are there people that listen to less music? or no music at all? i think that’s kinda weird, isn’t it? i dont mean to say weird in a demeaning way, just… something i can barely understand why.

music is something that for me creates so many emotions. movies do it as well for me, but music especially.

tho… i don’t think i’ve cried much while listening to music. at least not that i can remember. i’ve definitely cried (and remember fondly) while watching anime, particularly a series named beyond the boundary. the ending was… something, i guess. i remember reading something on /a/ about how cultural differences made japanese-written stories endings slightly different from western (american) productions, but i don’t recall… but anyways, that the japanese stories were usually a bit more open ended, more nuanced (not a clear good/bad ending), so i guess that’s why i found that one especially heart-wrenching.

i started watching anime pretty recently, it was october 2020 if i recall correctly. in that period (a bit later, i s’pose) i was bored as shit (also covid), while my parents while getting divorced, so i guess i needed something of an escapism route, lmao.

memes aside, tomorrow is my birthday. i don’t plan on doing any activity in particular, but me, myself, & i will celebrate it as a less-than-average day. i don’t particularly hate being with other people (except VERY large groups or crowds, fuck that), but i don’t enjoy it either… i mean, sometimes, with SOME people 1-on-1 it’s weirdly enjoyable. i like a more intimate approach, even with friends, that way you can get to talk about deeper stuff and get to indulge in random questions/shitposting. n’ways, what i meant to say is that the title of this website is sorta fitting, i’m not a social butterfly.

i don’t see that as a bad thing, or something i need to grow out of (i’ve been like this kinda since forever), or a negative trait. it’s just how i purely am. it’s my honest, human feelins.

i should play chess again.

  1. anon 2024-08-17 (7:34 am) No. 123186 reply
    Wohoo, happy birthday!
  2. anon 2024-08-17 (1:23 pm) No. 123187 reply
    thankkkk youuuuu <3

my time.
12h format, fite me.

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