posted on September 30, 2024
ive been thinking a bit about a few behaviours i’ve always displayed.
- avoidance: when someone pisses me off, i rather avoid/ignore rather than confront them. it’s a natural reaction which is pretty effortless to me because i’m not really attached to anyone. like atm there’s not a single person that would affect me deeply if they disappeared. anyways, i think it’s all very unhealthy for social interactions and im trying to work on it.
- angy: i dont really get angry in the sense that i break stuff or do anything physical, but i get really hateful and resentful to people i feel have wronged me. like, way too much. this is also not a healthy reaction since not all, but some things can be worked out or mediated. but being THAT angry makes it impossible.
anyways, blog update v2 too! i added a social experiment (cough cough guestbook) which is a 16×16 grid where you can add your own images and comments and stuff.
anyways, its monday, have a nice week everyone.
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yea, it's definitely a double edged sword. because i legit think a lot of issues can be smoothed over by just talking and putting your thoughts into words; obviously not every problem but a decent chunk.
im definitely an overthinker so if you start making up your own reality in your head without external validation it can get out of hands.